Christian García Bello


Tino Grandío | Correspondencias - The Goma
Tino Grandío | Correspondencias
Limen - The Goma


Fundación DIDAC
‘Christian García Bello, distancia apasionada’, David Barro
Tino Grandío | Correspondencias
Hard Cover
24,5 x 17,5 cm
ISBN 978840960
Tino Grandío | Correspondencias - The Goma
DARDO (Blanca Prol)
Galician, Spanish, English
Hardcover 200 pages
24 x 16,8 cm
ISBN 978 84 92772 75 9
Limen is a monograph published by the DIDAC Foundation that reviews the last decade of Christian García Bello's practice. The book includes a long conversation with David Barro, a review of the project carried out at the DIDAC Foundation and a selection of his works from 2013 until now. The design of the publication manages to convey the very essence of the artist's work, defining a synthesis of his formal and conceptual concerns. The warmth of the scrim surface of the cover provides a haptic character to the whole, at the same time that it contrasts with an exposed spine binding from which the very constructive structure of the book is revealed. The cover is resolved from roundness and subtlety, presided over by a patterned central line capable of conversing with the visual poetics of the artist, working as a nod to the interior without revealing its content.
Limen - The Goma