El origen de las formas - The Goma
El origen de las formas

Cristina Garrido

The Origin of Forms

Solo show curated by Tania Pardo

Junes 10th 2023 — January 7th 2024

CA2M, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo

Móstoles, Madrid

Opening: Saturday June 10th at 12:00 pm

The project, conceived specifically for the CA2M Museum and entitled The Origin of Forms, is based on the exhibition The Best Job in the World, held in 2021. In that project, Cristina Garrido investigated the figure of the artist who gives up art, by means of several conversations she held with Spanish artists who were active in the country’s different art scenes between the 1980s and early twentieth century. From her conversations with these people and the factors related to their leaving the profession, the artist began to wonder what the determining factors were when it came to continuing to devote oneself to art.

In her present project, she reflects on the determining factors that validate permanence in the art system, using her own personal history as the focus of this research. She uses the biographical method as a qualitative research methodology that incorporates the artist’s own life story while also focusing on what is expressed in official narratives and employing story-telling as part of the construction of this narrative.
