‘Hoje soube-me a pouco [today didn’t feel enough]’ - The Goma
‘Hoje soube-me a pouco [today didn’t feel enough]’

Ana Santos
‘Hoje soube-me a pouco [today didn’t feel enough]’
Group exhibition
Curated by João Pinharanda and Sérgio Mah
MAAT – Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia
Lisbon, Portugal

Ana Santos work included in ‘Hoje soube-me a pouco [today didn’t feel enough]‘ an exhibition that brings together a group of artists and works that marked the period after the founding moment of Portuguese democracy.

As part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of April 25th 1974 (the Carnation Revolution),
In addition to including several of the main figures of Portuguese contemporary art from the 1970s and 80s, the exhibition also features artists from more recent generations whose works continue and expand legacies and creative trends that emerged after 1974. Most of the pieces included in the exhibition belong to the EDP Foundation Art Collection. Helena Almeida, Eduardo Batarda, Lourdes Castro, Rui Chafes, Armanda Duarte, Ana Jotta, Álvaro Lapa, Jorge Martins, António Palolo, Júlio Pomar, Paula Rego, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Julião Sarmento, Ângelo de Sousa, Susanne Themlitz and Ana Vieira are some of the artists featured in this exhibition.
