Press Release
In this solo show the Portuguese artist once again probes the universe of things, uncovering a rich poetry within the will of the materials.Through this phenomenologic experience she reveals a chromatic and tactile world which, as in her recent exhibitions, is loaded with industrial and urban references. The artist allows non-congenital colours to permeate reflective surfaces, like fiberglass or metal, giving rise to different shades that seem to be detached from their mission. This fluidity in the application of colour and the limitation to one single form, produces a less binary state in the present work of Ana Santos’s, without forcing certain structures to coexist. Thus, we enter a possible oniric realm, where the conceiving of objects in not necessarily linked to the prevailing reality but to a metaphysical state.
In memory of Daniel Cunha
Portuguese pianist
“We enter a possible oniric realm, where the conceiving of objects in not necessarily linked to the prevailing reality but to a metaphysical state.”